Friday, November 20, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving!

  The following virtual bulletin board was created using the app Padlet.  I helped the children add their favorite thing about Thanksgiving Day.  Feel free to add to our Padlet and/or have other family members who may be visiting add their thoughts as well.  Simply double click and a new "post it" will appear.  Posts can be resized (hover over right hand edge of post), then click and drag for placement. Thank you!

Click the image below to enjoy a book we read in class:

It wouldn't be Thanksgiving without spending time thinking about  what we are thankful for.  The children really enjoyed putting these turkeys together:

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving with family and friends!

Common Core Standard for Writing - W.1.6  
With guidance and support from adults, use a variety of digital tools to produce and publish writing, including in collaboration with peers.

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Sunday, November 15, 2015

Social Studies - American Symbols

Essential Question:
How do symbols help us understand the world around us?

The first grade Social Studies curriculum includes learning about important American symbols.  The following symbols have been introduced through books and short videos.  

American Flag

Pledge of Allegiance
White House

Lincoln Memorial

Liberty Bell

Statue of Liberty
Washington Monument

Bald Eagle

  Click the image below to view a video with your child.  Can he/she successfully identify the American symbols?

Is your child able to share any facts they learned?  Please help them leave a comment below.  The comment could begin with "I learned".  He/She can write about a fact learned at school or one they learned from you.  We will be reading the comments together. Thanks so much for your cooperation.

Looking for a fun extension activity to do at home?  The images below are links to videos which will give step by step instructions how to draw some of the symbols your child has studied. 

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Friday, November 13, 2015

A Sneak Peek Into Reader's Workshop

 Mini Lesson
Reader's Workshop begins with a short mini lesson at the rug.  This particular lesson was about making predictions when reading.  I told the children that making predictions is one strategy good readers use to help them to better understand the story. 

Guided Practice
Next we read a portion of the book Roller Coaster by By Marla Frazee

Click the link below to hear the story being read aloud:

We made predictions about the story based on the title and front cover.  Then as I read we stopped to make more predictions.

Read to Self
During this time students are engaged in self-selected texts at their independent level.  They use his time to practice the skills that are taught during mini lessons and guided reading groups.

Guided Reading
I meet with groups of students who are all reading at the same level.  I provide them with a common text at their instructional level.  I introduce the book, point out important text features, challenging vocabulary, and/or essential story elements.  I listen to students as they "whisper read".  The lesson is followed up with a lesson point.  


Read to Someone
Once the children have had an opportunity to read to themselves they can choose to read with a friend.

Reader's Workshop always ends with a sharing time.  Children can share reading strategies they incorporated during guided reading, read to self, read to someone, listening to reading, and Raz-Kids.

Victoria shares a prediction she made while reading.

Liam shares a word he got stuck on and the strategy he used to help him:  tapping out the word.

Jack shares a reading strategy he used as well. When decoding the word splat, he first found a chunk of the word he knew (at).  Then he tapped out the consonant blend (spl).

I am really hoping that your children are incorporating strategies introduced at school when reading at home. The following are some of the strategies learned to date.

To improve accuracy: 
    Use the pictures
    Tap out the sounds
     Look for chunks in the word that you know
     Skip the word and come back
     Flip the vowel sound (for example if your child sounds out the word kind with a short i and it doesn't make sense, flip the vowel sound to long i)
      Go back and reread
      Think, does it make sense?

To improve comprehension:
     Make predictions
     Make connections

To expand vocabulary:
     Pay attention to interesting words

To improve fluency:
     Pay attention to punctuation


Please help your child leave a comment below indicating at least one reading strategy they have used when reading at home. Scroll to the bottom of the post.  If you are the first person commenting click No Comments.  Help your child enter his/her comment.  I am encouraging them to write it in letter form:

Dear Mrs. Hancock,
When I was reading Silly Sally, I made a prediction about how Sally would get to town.  

Finally, click Name on the scroll down bar after Comment As.  Have your child add his/her name and publish.  The comment will not appear until I approve it.  

We will be reading the comments next week.  Thank you for your cooperation with this. 

Happy Reading!

Common Core Standard - Reading Foundational Skills 1.3
Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words.

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Thursday, November 12, 2015

Mystery Readers

Thank you to Ellie's mom for reading The Book With No Pictures by BJ Novak.  If you are not familiar with this book, check it out; the children thought it was hilarious!

The children also enjoyed hearing The Box of Crayons that Talked by Shane Derolf.  Liam's mom read it to us!

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Monday, November 9, 2015

Halloween Fun!

Many thanks to Jen Brooks and Katie Gustafson for planning such a great Halloween party!  Also, thanks to all parents who helped with games and donated food and paper goods.

The children looked fantastic!!

Chris from Wild Cratts
Victoria the Mermaid
Dylan as Annie

Thomas as Gronkowski
Rilyn as Mal the daughter of Malificent

Ellie the Cheerleader
J.J. as Darth Vader

Jack as Jengo

Lucas as Sabeen
Christina as Minnie Mouse
Liam the police officer

Christian R. the Ninja
Johnny as Harry Potter
Bella the Witch

Sam as Michelango

Griffin as Gronkowski

Party Highlights:

Creative fruit kabobs

Making picture frames with googly eyes

Playing Halloween Bingo with Mrs. Denton
Enjoying popcorn
Hanging out with little sister
More Bingo
Sharing a snack with Dad
Making frames with friends
Taking a break for some fruit
Eyeball game

Ellie's brother joining in the fun

Click the skeleton below to enjoy a dance with your family.

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