Spreading the Power of Optimism
Life is not perfect. Life is not easy. Life is good.
This year we are exploring the themes presented in the book, Life is Good, written by Bert and John Jacobs. The Jacobs brothers write, "Each one of us has a choice: to focus our energy on obstacles or opportunities. To fixate on our problems, or focus on solutions. We can harp on what's wrong with the world, or we can cultivate what's right with the world."
The Life is Good community shares one simple, unifying mission: to spread the power of optimism. Optimism empowers us to explore the world with open arms and an eye toward solutions, progress, and growth. It also makes life a lot more fun!
Optimism enables us to access the ten most important tools we have for living a happy and fulfilling life. The Jacobs call them the Life is Good Superpowers. These Superpowers can help one overcome obstacles, drive forward with greater purpose, and enjoy the ride of life."
Openness is a conscious effort to step outside of your comfort zone to experience new things.
Follow the Leader- The next time you sit down with your child, imagine your child is your teacher. Let her tell you about the drawing or the toy, or where the story goes next. Let her show you her view of the world, in her own words. Follow her lead. Be willing to be silly, and let go of trying to direct. You ask the "Whys?" and discover the world as she directs the kid in you.
"Yes, And."- Try using this phrase wherever you work or meet in groups. Invite people to share their wildest ideas up front and encourage the group to take each one for a spin, accepting and building on it. The filtering and editing down can happen later, but this first crucial step creates an open environment of collaboration that sparks innovation.
Everything is a Once-in-a-Lifetime Experience- Get out and see the world! We're not necessarily talking adventure travel or long road trips. If you don't go, you don't see can also apply to your neighbor's home, a live show, a place you've been meaning to volunteer at, or the contemporary art exhibit you're not quite sure is for you. Changing up your routine and physical surroundings will help open your mind to fresh perspectives.
In the month of October we will continue to foster Openness while introducing the Superpower of Creativity!
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