As part of Steward School’s “Life is Good” movement, we have continued to explore and incorporate “Superpowers” into our daily lives at school.
Last month, our main focus was the superpower of Gratitude. The children continue to reinforce and express their knowledge of this superpower and enjoy discussing and making connections to things in their life that make them feel a sense of gratitude.
In January, a new “Life is Good Superpower” has been introduced!
Discovering and embracing your authentic, genuine and real self is what we are striving for this month! The first graders have done an incredible job discussing and brainstorming why it is important to be an authentic person. Some responses were…
* Why would anyone want to be like anyone else?
* You should always be yourself!
* Being different makes us special!
* Being YOU makes you happy.
* Being you makes you honest.
We came to the conclusion that being an authentic person makes you unique, special and happy. The more that friends find the authenticity within themselves, the better friends we can be.
Throughout our discussions, the connection we made to a compass was very helpful for us and made us think even more deeply about the parts of us that make us happy to be our true selves. Just like a compass helps to provide direction to travelers, our INNER compass provides us with direction and guidance to follow our OWN paths in life.
As a whole first grade community, each student created his or her very own Inner Compass.
DIGITAL READ ALOUDS THAT TEACH AUTHENTICITY ![🙂](https://s0.wp.com/wp-content/mu-plugins/wpcom-smileys/twemoji/2/svg/1f642.svg)
Throughout this month, ask your first grader what makes him or her an authentic person and how to continue to be an authentic person inside and outside of school!