Welcome to Mrs. Hancock's Fabulous Firsties!
It is always exciting to begin a brand new school year! I am so looking forward to getting to know my new class of first graders; I know we will have a wonderful year of learning! I feel that home school communication is very important; therefore, keeping parents informed is high on my priority list. For the last two years I have maintained a classroom blog and received very positive feedback from parents. I do post pictures of students; however last names are never included. If you would prefer not to have your child appear, please let me know as soon as possible.
The blog will include posts about curriculum as well as classroom and school wide events and happenings. You will find additional information in the links located above. There is a class list (including first names only), specialist schedule, 1st grade portal which includes many worthwhile educational websites, and the Steward School website. In order to receive email alerts when a new entry is posted, please enter your email where it says "Follow by Email".
Looking for ways to make the transition back to school easier for your child?
Click on the image below:
Please feel free to contact me should you have any questions and/or concerns about the upcoming school year. The most efficient manner in which to reach me is through email: lhancock@topsfieldps.org.
Enjoy the last days of summer!