Thursday, December 10, 2015

Russian Dancers

Many thanks to TESPTO for the recent enrichment programs brought to Steward.  The children enjoyed a performance by the Barynya Russian Music, Dance and Song Ensemble. The group performed a mix of of fast paced Russian, Cossack, Jewish, Siberian, and Gypsy traditional dancing and music.  The children were able to hear music played on a variety of instruments.    

The children thoroughly enjoyed watching the Russian Dancers perform.

Ellie was chosen to perform on the stage!

To learn more about these talented performers click on the link below:

Friday, December 4, 2015

Mystery Reader

Dylan was surprised and happy to see her mom and little sister walk through the door!  The children enjoyed listening to Mrs. Guido read Learning to Ski with Mr. Magee  by Chris Van Dusen.

Would your child like to hear the story again?
Click the image below.


Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Place Value Fun!

Our introductory lesson included watching the video below.  The children were quite engaged; it was a good starting point for most children as they begin to understand the often difficult concept of place value.  

See if your child can answer the following questions:

1.  How many digits are there in the number 45?
2.  What is a very important rule of the Place Value House?
3.  How many tens are in the number 23?
4.  How many ones are in the number 16?

Now view the video below with your child:

After discussing the concepts presented, I had children represent a variety of one and two digit numbers using place value charts and cubes.

The children loved this catchy tune about place value:

To provide additional practice opportunities for your child I have included links below.  When you click the images below they will lead you to engaging, and interactive place value games online.

Common Core Standards
Number and Operations in Base Ten
Understand that the two digits of a two-digit number represent amounts of tens and ones. 

Enemy Pie

The focus of a recent Olweus lesson was on how to be a good friend. We read Derek Munson's "Enemy Pie"; in this story, the main character realizes that someone he thought was an enemy turned out to be a great friend! Your child may listen to this story again by clicking the picture below: 

The children really enjoyed creating their Friendship Pies:

We try to be the best friends we can be!!

Common Core Standard for Writing - W.1.6  
With guidance and support from adults, use a variety of digital tools to produce and publish writing, including in collaboration with peers.

free glitter text and family website at